
Sharon Osbourne Throws Shade at Ashton Kutcher, Calls Him A ‘Sassy Young Lad’

Sharon Osbourne just couldn’t bite her tongue when she recently sat down for a chat on the spicy Stir the Pot segment. Without mincing her words, she straight-up called Ashton Kutcher the “rudest star” she’s ever bumped into!

So there she was, spilling the beans alongside her darling daughter, Kelly Osbourne. The host got a tad cheeky, nudging her for a hint about the mystery celeb. Sharon slyly dropped, “You know, the dude hitched to that famous actress and, oh, wasn’t he on That ’70s Show?” Without missing a beat, Kelly chirped in with, “You mean Ashton Kutcher, right?”

Boy oh boy, the look on the hosts’ faces? Priceless! But, true to Sharon’s style, she left us all hanging, never really diving deep into why she felt that way.

But wait a sec, this isn’t the first rodeo for Sharon. Remember back in 2018, on good ol’ Larry King Now? Sharon, being her candid self at the ripe age of 70, didn’t mince words then either. She blurted out, “That Ashton fella and I? Like oil and water, we just didn’t mix. The dude’s got some serious ‘tude if you ask me.”

To add some spicy sprinkles to this celeb dish, Sharon recalled a rather cringy moment from her days on The Talk. Guess who was the guest? Yup, Mr. Kutcher himself! And rumor has it, he got a tad salty when Sharon goofed up his name. Oh, the drama!

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