
Code Name: Tiranga star Parineeti Chopra receives firearms training

  • Parineeti Chopra is an Indian Bollywood performer and is prepared for her debut film Code Name: Tiranga, in which she’ll co-star alongside Harrdy Sandhu.
  • Parineeti is set to play a RAW Agent in the spy-thriller directed by Ribhu Dasgupta, who is on a daring mission to protect her country.
  • The actress has been putting in many hours of work to prepare for the action scenes of Code Name: Tiranga, which is her first film of this kind to be full-length.

Parineeti has been extensively trained using guns to prepare for her role in the movie Code Name Tiranga she went above and over to ensure that she achieved her goal. Since the actress has revealed her skills to the world and it’s clear that she has put in an enormous amount of effort to achieve it. She claimed that she was ready for another action movie within her description. If you’re trying to learn how to use a gun, but you want to practice on the action director because they won’t let you sleep! After a series of burns and heat treatments and bruises, agent Durga (aka the stronger version of me) is now ready for the action film number two. Do it! Action Heroine in Training @yannickben @raimundoquerido @herequyoi #CodeNameTiranga #Stunts

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