
Greta Gerwig Reveals Insights on Netflix’s ‘Narnia’ Film Series

Greta Gerwig, she’s gonna be the big shot in the new Narnia movies, both calling the shots as the director and scribbling the story. But, you know what? She’s totally freaked out about this gig. On the Total Film podcast, the 39-year-old spilled the beans, saying, “I ain’t even started to wrap my head around it, but man, I’m downright terrified! And you know what? That’s a darn good place to begin.”

And here’s the thing, folks: Greta thinks that being scared like a cat stuck up a tree is actually a sign that she’s onto something special. If she stops feeling like a scaredy-cat, well, that might just mean it’s not the right deal for her. But for now, it’s got her heart racing like a runaway train, and she’s lovin’ it! Excitement and fear, hand in hand, ready to take on this extraordinary adventure.

Now, when someone threw in the idea of Greta directing a James Bond flick, she just about lost it. “Oh, my God! You kiddin’ me? We’re stickin’ to lions and dolls right now,” she said with a mix of disbelief and admiration. She ain’t ready to jump into the spy game just yet, but you can bet she’s got love for Bond’s big boss, Barbara Broccoli.

By the way, Netflix snagged those rights to C.S. Lewis’s treasured fantasy tales, The Chronicles of Narnia, a while back in 2018, and now they’re all set to bring us two brand-new movies. Hold on tight, ’cause this ride’s gonna be wild!

So, there you have it, folks! Greta’s got her hands full with Narnia, feeling the jitters and thrillin’ to the core. It’s gonna be one heck of a journey, and we can’t wait to see what she’s got in store for us!

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